Henry County Indiana Cemetery Commission
2003 Meeting Minutes

29 January 2003 Minutes - Henry County Cemetery Commission

Commissioners present: Mike Burch, Ann Holmes, and Donna Tauber
Visitors present: Bud Bush, Ken Holmes, and Angela Tielking.
Item #5 of the October minutes needs to be changed. Cleaning of the Evans Cemetery has not been finished.
The November and January Advisory Board minutes was submitted to the commission
Micki Mann made many complaints about Stoney Creek Cemetery to the Advisory Board.
Buster's Landfill is going to expand and McDaniel's Cemetery is in the way - A motion was made by Ann Holmes and seconded by Mike Burch that a registered letter be sent to Buster's Landfill notifying them that a cemetery is on the land they may buy. Would he consider deeding the cemetery to the Trustee?
Ken Holmes was appointed to work with Greg Brown and John Walters on buying a tripod.
Mike Burch made a motion that we have a workday at McDaniel's Cemetery on March 22, 2003 at 9:00 am. The trustee, Nancy Wadman, will be notified.
A motion was made by Ann Holmes that Donna Tauber invite Nancy Brown to our February 22nd meeting. (Note: rescheduled to February 27th due to weather)
Concerns were expressed that Bundy Cemetery, Rogersville Cemetery, and Rhotons Cemetery have been declared as Prairie Restoration Projects. What are the legal ramifications of this?
The election of officers will be at the February meeting and the 2002 Annual Report will be approved.
The Advisory Board will meet on February 25, 2003 at 7:00 pm at the library.

Minutes by Ken and Ann Holmes

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, Feb. 27, 2003

Members Present: Tauber, Holmes, Mathis, Hamm
Present from the Public: Larry Gorcher, Angela Tielking, Ken Holmes, Bud Bush, Eddie Hager, Phil Estridge, Mary Kaye Lyon? and Lisa Hicks
1. The minutes of the meeting of January 29 were approved as distributed.
2. The commission proceeded to the election of the following officers:
President: Donna Tauber
Vice-President: Doug Mathis
Secretary: Tom Hamm
Treasurer: Ann Holmes
3. The president reported that she had submitted the annual report to the Indiana Historical Bureau, as required by law.
4. The treasurer reported a balance of $595.
5. The vice-president reported on plans for another fund-raising letter.
6. The Advisory Board reported that it had met earlier. Teresa Sutherland of the Three Rivers Solid Waste District had shared with them an environmental curriculum. The Advisory Board submitted a proposed Cemetery Education Curriculum. They will try to finish development by October. Discussion ensued about the appropriate age groups to target for such efforts.
7. The president reported that State Reps. Pflum and Saunders would be invited to attend our March meeting. Issues we plan to raise include:
a. The prairie restoration projects in the Rogersville, Bundy, and Rhoton Cemeteries.
b. The responsibilities of township trustees.
c. The question whether this commission can accept title to cemeteries.
d. Access and right-of-way questions.
e. Other deed issues.
8. The Commission continues to seek the use or donation of a generator and tripod.
9. The Commission agreed on a workday March 22 at the McDaniel Cemetery in Henry Township. We will notify the adjacent property owner. Bud Bush will be contact person and will arrange for some inmates from the Henry County Jail to be present.
10. The Commission noted additional work to be done in the Keesling Cemetery and the Evans Cemetery.
11. The Commission discussed the need for funding for our work. Township trustees lack money to perform basic maintenance. Alternatives include vanity license plate funds and food and drink tax proceeds. We must recognize, however, that the end of the inventory tax in 2007 will create new problems for county government.
12. Eddie Hager volunteered to head a fund-raising committee with the president and vice-president. He also announced a generous donation of herbicide for our use.
13. The Commission adjourned to meet again Thursday, March 27, at 6:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm, Secretary

April Meeting - no minutes

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, May 29, 2003

Commissioners present: D. Tauber, A. Holmes, and T. Hamm
Also six members of the public
1. The minutes of the April meeting were not available and will be presented at a later date.
2. The treasurer reported no changes in our finances in the past month.
3. We are pursuing the purchase of a tripod to use in setting up large fallen markers.
4. The commission approved a payment of $400 to Greg Brown for restoration work on markers at the Keesling Cemetery. This will be funded by contributions from interested parties.
5. Eddie Hager reported that he plans to spray half of the Anti-Slavery Friends or Public Cemetery (the small plot opposite the Hicksite Cemetery) with a herbicide as a demonstration of what it is possible to achieve with treatment. This led to extended discussion of weed killers.
6. Bud Bush reported that the Paul Cemetery is being maintained.
7. Eddie Hager reported that the owner of the farm on which the Farley Cemetery is located is open to maintaining and restoring it.
8. Eddie Hager reported that the Finance Committee would meet in the next month and plans to proceed with fund-raising activities.
9. The commission agreed that we should try to encourage those mowing cemeteries to report accidental damage to tombstones so that it can be repaired.
10. Bud Bush and Ann Holmes agreed to coordinate weekday work involving work crews from the Henry County jail.
11. We agreed on the following schedule for Saturday workdays:
June 7: Hodson Cemetery, Stony Creek Township
June 14: Holland Cemetery, Dudley Township
June 21: Holland Cemetery, Dudley Township

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm, Secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, June 26, 2003

Commissioners present: Hamm, Holmes, Tauber, Mathis and five members of the public.
1. The minutes of the meeting of May 29 were approved as submitted.
2. Treasurer Ann Holmes reported that we had $975 in our account with the Henry County Community Foundation. Bud Bush reported that Kiwanis had donated $100. We have also received donations from Michael and Elizabeth Haskett of Richmond for use at the Paul Cemetery and from Merrill and Sandra Main of Park Ridge, Illinois, without restriction.
3. The commission approved a request from Kyle D. Conrad that it receive a fund of $240 collected for work at the Messick Cemetery.
4. The commission authorized Bud Bush to spend up to $250 for rakes, weed eaters, and other tools needed for our work.
5. The commission approved payment of $200 to Greg Brown to reimburse him for work done on markers at the Keesling and other cemeteries.
6. We noted a request that we undertake work at the Sulphur Springs Cemetery.
7. The Sheriff's Department is eager to provide inmates to work on our project. They are now aware of what is needed, so a commissioner does not necessarily have to be present.
8. The following work schedule was approved:
June 28: Sulphur Springs
July 5: Bowers Cemetery in Jefferson Township
July 12: Keesling Cemetery
July 19: Hodson Cemetery
9. The commission adjourned, with its next meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 24, at 6:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm, Secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, July 24, 2003

Commissioners Present: Holmes, Tauber, Hamm
6 members of the public
1. The minutes of the meeting of June 26 were read and approved.
2. Treasurer Ann Holmes reported a balance of $897.97 after the disbursements approved last month.
3. Eddie Hager reported for the Finance Committee. At his request, the commissioners voted to endorse a proposal for fund raising. They will take under consideration a plan to seek tax funding, perhaps through a fee on death certificates.
4. It was reported that Greg Brown has arranged for the County Highway Department to pick up trash from cemeteries where we are working.
5. Bud Bush reported that work had continued in cemeteries on our list. This month work was done at the Sulphur Springs, Bowers, and Showalter cemeteries. He anticipates finishing work in the Hodson Cemetery on Saturday.
6. Bud Bush reported that the authorities at Summit Lake are willing to allow us to clean up the Rogersville Cemetery.
7. Angela Tielking reported that the legislature has approved a summer study on pioneer cemeteries. It will be part of a committee on county government. A hearing will take place on Thursday, July 31, at 10:30 in the statehouse. It will be important to have a wide variety of supporters present. Angela presented a draft of testimony, which the commission endorsed (see attached). A strategy meeting will be held Monday, July 28, at 6:00 P.M. at the Spiceland Public Library.
8. The commission voted to reimburse Angela Tielking for expenses relating to preparing the above testimony.
9. The commission agreed on the following workdays:
July 26--Hodson
July 30--Messick
August 2--Keesling
August 9--Keesling
August 16--Rogersville
August 23--Rogersville
August 30--Rogersville
10. Tom Hamm agreed to check with the Indiana Historical Bureau about any funds available through them.
11. The commission adjourned to meet Thursday, August 28, at 6:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm, Secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, August 28, 2003

Commissioners Present: Burch, Hamm, Holmes, Mathis, Tauber
Also 13 members of the public
1. The minutes of the meeting of July 24 were approved as submitted.
2. Treasurer Ann Holmes reported that we had received $2941.65 in donations, with a current balance in our treasury of $2464.62. Of this, $500 is designated for a generator, and some of these funds have been designated for use in particular places.
3. Angela Tielking reported that the Advisory Board met on August 26 and discussed cemetery education and possible grants.
4. Bud Bush reported that the work at Rogersville had been postponed until after the Department of Natural Resources conducted its annual burn-off there.
5. Those who attended the hearing of the legislative study committee on county government reported that they had presented those present with a booklet local residents had compiled. In their testimony, they raised questions about access, prairie grass and burn-off, and township trustee responsibilities. A later meeting will return to these issues.
6. Eddie Hager reported for the Finance Committee.
a. He introduced Bonnie Thompson, a local businesswoman with skills in setting and restoring monuments. She has joined the Finance Committee.
b. He reported that Stuart Mulligan of Wimmer Vaults is willing to serve as a corporate sponsor and donate the use of a truck, winch, and supplies.
c. He reported that a Knightstown resident has a trailer available that he will sell to us for $900, a very reasonable price. At his request, the commission voted approval of a can campaign in local businesses this fall.
7. The commission and those present saluted Bud Bush for his hard work and dedication.
8. President Tauber and Bud Bush reported on a complaint about a recent clean-up in the Bales Cemetery in Blue River Township. This is a cemetery that had been abandoned for many years but is now being used for burials again. Bud and a work crew had cleared brush and weeds, but a local resident claimed that they removed some recently planted trees. Bud disputes this.
9. In response to the above situation, the commission voted to submit a signed permission sheet to township trustees before we undertake work in cemeteries under their care.
10. The commission noted its concern that the McDaniel Cemetery is not being mowed. Ann Holmes is in discussion with the United Methodist District Office about ownership of the cemetery.
11. Ann is also in discussion with Tuskegee University about its responsibility for care of the Trail Cemetery in Greensboro Township. She has approached Wiley United Methodist Church about "adopting" this historic black cemetery.
12. We noted the need to complete work in the Keesling Cemetery. Work will be done there on September 3 and in the Paul Cemetery Sept. 2.
13. A local resident expressed concern about a rotten tree that is about to fall and damage some gravestones in the Friends Cemetery at Cadiz. Another person present volunteered to remove the tree.
14. Concerns have been received about the condition of some stones in the Sulphur Springs Cemetery.
15. We agreed that the Greensboro Cemetery will be the focus of our work on the Day of Caring, September 16. We will try to get television publicity.
16. We agreed to focus on cemeteries in Wayne Township in September.

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm, Secretary

Cemetery Commission Meeting Sept. 25th, 2003

Present were Donna Tauber, Bud Bush, Angela Tielking, Bill Harter and County Commissioner Phil Estridge. There being no quorum no official business was taken.

Angela updated the group on the progress of the Advisory Board, which has had several meetings recently on Cemetery Education and ways to create public awareness. She also updated Commissioner Estridge on the County Government Study Commission, and our recent visit to the statehouse to present information before the committee. She stated that another meeting had been scheduled at the state house in October, but at this time did not know if we were on the Agenda. Angela was presented a check in the amount of 165.25 to reimburse her expenditures in preparing information presented to the study commission in July (approved by board at July Meeting)
A thank you note was read that was sent by a family in Richmond for the cleaning of their family stones on the Day of Caring in Greensboro Cemetery. Along with the thank you note was a donation in the amount of 190.00 to use as needed. Donna will send a thank you to the family, as she has talked with several times about which stones to clean. Bud will continue completing work at Greensboro when help can be obtained from the Sheriffs Department.
Discussion was held on trying to finish cemeteries in the county where donations have been designated. This includes Wisehart, Paul and Keesling Cemeteries. Any setting of stones will have to be done before the weather gets cold.
Mr. Harter suggested that a review be made of how much Henry County Township Trustees appropriated for care of cemeteries in 2004 to see who has plans for maintenance.

Donna Tauber For Tom Hamm

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, Nov. 20, 2003

Commissioners Present: Tauber, Mathis, Hamm
Also five members of the public.
1. As a quorum was not present at the September meeting, there were no minutes. The president reported briefly on discussions that took place.
2. Angelia Tielking reported for the Advisory Committee. Some of its members, along with some members of this commission, had attended a series of meetings that included the Oct. 9 hearing of the legislature's County Government Study Committee as well as individual conferences with state legislators and staff of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. There may be modest proposals to revise cemetery legislation. Some interest has been expressed in increasing the fee for death certificates by $3 to fund maintenance of pioneer cemeteries.
3. The next meeting of the commission will be Thursday, January 15, at 6:00. (Changed to Jan 22 due to a presentation on the 15th)

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas D. Hamm - Secretary

(no December meetings)

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© Henry County Indiana Cemetery Commission