Henry County Indiana Cemetery Commission
2013 Meeting Minutes

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, January 24, 2013

Commission Members Present: Hamm, Holmes, Manis, and Tauber
Present from the Public: Ken Holmes
1. Joe Manis, the newest member of the commission, who replaces Bud Bush, was welcomed.
2. The president announced the resignation of Mike Burch.
3. The following slate of officers was elected: Donna Tauber, president Joe Manis, vice president Ann Holmes, treasurer Tom Hamm, secretary
4. The minutes of the September and October meetings were approved as distributed.
5. The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $3,364.27.
6. The president has sent acknowledgements of the donations received in memory of Bud Bush.
7. Bills for work at Beech Grove, Powers, and Mt. Summit cemeteries have been received via Mike Burch.
8. Ken Holmes reported that the trailer is in good condition.
9. Repairs at the Batson Cemetery in Liberty Township remain a priority.
10. Work continues on a sign for the Friends Cemetery at Spiceland.
11. The meeting adjourned to convene Thursday, Feb. 28 at 6:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Tauber, president,
T. Hamm, secretary

HCCC minutes for Feb 28,2013

Henry County Historical Society
The meeting was called to order at 6 pm by Pres Tauber - present were Donna Tauber, Joe Manis and Ann Holmes. Also present were Beverly and Jeffry Glascock, Ken Holmes and Debra Sanchez.
The minutes of January 24th were approved and Treasurer Homes reported a balance of $3364.27
Following much discussion there was a motion by Holmes and seconded by Manis to recommend Beverly Glascock to be appointed by the county commissioners to fulfill Mike Burch's term to the HCCC.
Appointed to the Advisory Board were Debra Sanchez and Jeffrey Glascock. The board also would like to include the new Prairie Township Trustee Kristin LaMar, to help complete cemetery work that former trustee Mike Burch pursued.
In old business Tauber will contact Brad Matzenberger for estimates at Hillsboro and Batson Cemeteries.
Future projects discussed was possible work at Pioneer Cemetery in Wayne Township - future projects for 2013 will be discussed further at the April Meeting.
The Spiceland Day of Caring is May 4th - it is undecided if we will be able to do a project there.
Also discussed was the possibility of erecting a memorial marker to Bud in the Memory Garden at South Mound. Tauber will pursue this with the city of New Castle and Buds family.
The next meeting will be April 25th at 6pm at the Henry County Historical Society. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Donna Tauber - President

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, March 28, 2013

Commission Members Present: Donna Tauber, Joe Manes, Ann Holmes, Thomas Hamm
Adv Board member: Debra Sanchez
1. The minutes of the meeting of February 28, 2013, were approved as previously distributed.
2. Beverly Glascock has been appointed to replace Mike Burch as a member of the commission.
3. No claims were presented.
4. We are waiting for estimates from Brad Matzenberger for work at Batson and Hillsboro cemeteries.
5. The commission approved the purchase of epoxy at a cost not to exceed $100.
6. The next meeting will be held at the New Castle-Henry County Public Library on April 25. (changed back to Historical Society)

Donna Tauber, President
Thomas Hamm, Secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, April 25, 2013

Present: Manis, Tauber, Holmes, Hamm
1. The minutes of the meeting of March 28 were approved as previously distributed, with the correction of a misspelled name.
2. Darrel Radford wants to do news stories about the two newly appointed commissioners.
3. A claim for $34.21 for the purchase of epoxy was submitted and approved.
4. The treasurer’s report showed only the claim above approved.
5. The president reported that four new signs are coming from the Indiana Historical Bureau.
6. The president reported conversations with Brad Matzenberger about work at the Hillsboro and Batson cemeteries.
7. At the next meeting the commission will select sites for this year’s work.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Tauber, President
T. Hamm, Secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, May 23, 2013

Commission Members Present: Hamm, Tauber, Manis, Holmes, and Glascock
From the Public: Ken Holmes, Martha Fraze
1. The minutes of the meeting of April 25 were approved as previously disseminated.
2. The treasurer reported a balance of $3,330.06
3. Estimates for repair work at Batson and Hillsboro cemeteries were received.
4. Martha Fraze talked about her work as a Find-a-Grave photographer. She has attended a cemetery workshop and wants to help. She is especially interested in Blue River Township. The commission will be grateful for her help.
5. Joe Manis reported progress made in Harrison Township.
6. The commission decided to ask the Batson Cemetery board to spend $1,000 for work there. Thomas Hamm is willing to donate $500 toward work there, matched by $500 previously authorized from commission funds.
7. The commission approved spending up to $100 to replace sprayers.
8. Focus this summer will be on Batson, Hillsboro, and Sulphur Springs cemeteries. Tentative workday at Batson was set for June 15.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Tauber, President
T. Hamm, Secretary


Members Present: D. Tauber, A. Holmes, B. Glascock
Advisory Board Present: M. Fraze, J. Glascock, K. Holmes
Previous Minutes: Ann Holmes said that Jeff Glascock needed to be added to the names of advisory board members present at last meeting. The minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report: Ann Holmes reported the balance remains the same, $3,330.06.
Old Business: Batson Cemetery Board is unable to pay for work done. With Tom Hamm’s promised donation of $500.00 and $1000.00 from the HCCC (appropriated in the July 2012 meeting) we will have $1500 to spend at Batson Cemetery this year. The progress of the work on the Batson Cemetery was reviewed. Brad Manzenburger, with help from other workers fixed the large granite sphere back on top of Ira Stout’s stone. Tree limbs, brush, and weeds were cut along with the cleaning of some stones. Without sand and gravel progress was slow. Brad is working on the 3 Runyan Stones, Volney Hobson’s, and 6 stones belonging to the Thomas Sanford Family. He will be setting the Sanford stones at his own expense since he is related to them. Donna Tauber thanked Ken Holmes for transporting the HCCC trailer.
Donna Tauber reported that Brad Matzenberger plans on being done by the middle of July.
Ken Holmes does not need to buy sprayer equipment at this time.
New Business: Danna Tauber said that we need to think about how much to ask the Henry County Commissioners for our 2014 budget. She suggested $5000.00. She will be presenting this to the HCC Board at the meeting on July 10 at 7pm in the Old Court House. All present are encouraged to attend.
Ann Holmes brought up the idea of asking some new and additional business’s for donations. She will make a list of businesses to ask.
Ken Holmes asked if we can try the cleaning chemical that Brad Manzenburger uses on stones. A motion was made and passed for Ken to investigate this and buy a small amount, if he could, for $100 or less.
Ken Holmes talked with Bruce Atkinson at Geographic Information System. Ken gave him names approximately 15 cemeteries that need to be relocated on the site. He also said that it is state code for there to be a buffer of 100 feet around the cemeteries. He also mentioned McDaniel’s Cemetery which is next to land owned by Buster’s Landfill. Buster’s should be notified about it.
Daryl Radford of the HHHS and the Courier Times joined us. Donna Tauber said that we need all the publicity we can get in the paper. Daryl suggested that we do a Historical Cemetery Article each month for the newspaper. Ann Holmes suggested that he research the Trail Grove Cemetery in Greensburg Twp. It has a unique history as an early Black cemetery.
Martha Fraze was appointed to the Advisory Board.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Tauber, President
Beverly Glascock, Acting Secretary


Members Present: D. Tauber, Ann Holmes, J. Manis, B. Glascock
Advisory Board Present: K. Holmes
Previous Minutes: The June minutes were presented and approved.
Treasurer’s Report Ann Holmes reported the balance increased to $3,830.30. She received Tom Ham’s donation of $500.00 that is to go to the restoration of the Runyan and Laboyteaux stones in Batson Cemetery. Ken Holmes submitted a bill of $34.21, dated 4/29/2013, for Epoxy. This was approved for payment. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
Donna Tauber attended the Henry County Commissioners meeting on July 10th 2013. She made a condensed presentation of the Indiana Law including Care of Cemeteries by Counties, Determination of Civil War burial Grounds, County Cemetery Commission, Annual Tax For Restoration And Maintenance, Annual reports filed with Indiana Historical Bureau, and Annual Budget and Annual Report. She presented what other Indiana Counties do to fund the Cemetery Commissions. She also presented what we have done in the way of projects since 2002 and our source of income. All of our income has been from private donations from individuals and businesses. She explained our present need for funding. Commissioner Ed Yanos suggested a possible tax levy. Donna will continue to follow up to receive funding.
It was noted that Darrell Radford has not yet written anything in the Courier Times giving the HCCC much needed publicity. It was suggested the Courier Times start a series on pioneer cemeteries.
Donna Tauber said the next time we need a professional stone cemetery restorer to do some work for us, we will get at least two estimates for the job.
New Business:
Bud Bush had some displays, pictures, and pamphlets about the HCCC and its projects. It was suggested that someone contact his family to locate these things.
This year’s Day of Caring will be September 13th. We are looking to work at Hillsboro Cemetery. Ken Holmes is going to meet the Township Trustee, Joe Clark, there to assess the project. He also will ask the nearby Church for volunteers to work.
Ken Holmes investigated a stone cleaning agent that was used by Brad Manzenburger. He found another brand that is cheaper, $34.99/gal, and locally available. He provided the members with information that included customer testimonials and pictures of cleaned stones. Joe Mantis made a motion that we buy a gallon of this product, Wet and Forget, to try. It was passed. Ken said that he would do this.
Ann Holmes made a list of banks, funeral homes, and other business including Drapers, Pritchett, Roberts and others to ask for support. Ann also said that we should talk to the community foundation. Ken suggested posters saying that (business name) supports HCCC. All were in agreement.
Donna Tauber mentioned that we have the basic equipment, but we are now in need of labor to work on repairing the stones.
The next meeting will be August 29th. This is a temporary change to the fifth Thursday of the month for August.

Respectfully submitted,
Beverly Glascock, acting secretary

Henry County Cemetery Commission Minutes, August 29, 2013

Commission Members Present: Hamm, Holmes, Tauber
Present from the Public: Ken Holmes
1. The minutes of the meeting of July 25 were approved as previously disseminated.
2. We have received no word on our funding request to the county commissioners.
3. Our Day of Caring project will be Hillsboro Cemetery. The Holmes's have done the appropriate planning.
4. Claims authorized included $32.09 to the Holmes's for supplies and $1,500 to Brad Matzenberger for work done at Batson Cemetery.
5. After discussion of the work done at Batson Cemetery, the commission is in agreement that in future we will seek competitive bids for professional cemetery restoration work.
6. The president is attempting to retrieve commission materials that were in the possession of the late Bud Bush.
7. We are seeking the tombstone of Revel Coburn that was formerly in the South Ninth Street Cemetery in New Castle.
8. We will pursue the possibility of publishing articles about historic cemeteries in the Courier-Times.
9. The next meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 26 at 5:00 P.M. at the home of the president in Spiceland.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Tauber, President
T. Hamm, Secretary


MEMBERS PRESENT: Donna Tauber, Joe Manis, Ann Holmes, Bev Glascock
ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Holmes, Jeff Glascock, Brenda Paugh
PUBLIC PRESENT: Michael Lykens, Stoney Creek Twp. Trustee, Brian Paugh
PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes from Sept. 26, 2013 were approved as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The balance is $2297.97 as reported by Ann.
1. An article about the Cemetery Commission was in the Courier Times and a picture from the Day Of Caring. More articles need to be in the paper in the future. One could be on the work done in Batson Cemetery and another on the history of Trail Grove Cemetery near Shirley.
2. Donna went through Bud Bush’s papers at the Historical Society. She did not find the missing pamphlets or any other missing papers. Donna has a half box of the pamphlets and Ken has a few more.
3. Donna looked for information on the where-a-bouts of the Revel Colborn’s tombstone. According to our minutes it was dedicated and placed in South Mound Cemetery.
4. Ken completed inventory and winterizing everything in the trailer. He and Jeff also finished repairing the stones at Hillsboro Cemetery.
5. Ron Hoffman of the Emergency Management Office will take pictures for official badges on Monday, October 28 at 1 PM. If anyone can’t make it there at that time they need to contact Ron.
6. Donna has not heard about any help in financing the Commission.
1. Mike Lykens, Stoney Creek Twp. Trustee, said that he has a contract with the DNR to keep the cemeteries clean. They have not done it since he has been in office. When someone tried to mow Robertsville Cemetery they got in trouble with the DNR. He only has $600 for cemetery upkeep of the five in the Twp. He uses that money to pay to have Hopson Cemetery mowed. The other cemeteries are in poor shape.
2. Bud Bush’s web site was discussed. His son, Aaron, pays for that site which also has some of his business on it. Donna can take things off of it but can’t add new things to it. She is trying to keep up by using Facebook. She does get many inquires through there. Ken has a friend who might help develop our own site, but it would cost us to keep it on.
3. A Christmas gathering was tentatively scheduled for 5:00 Monday evening December 2 at the Iron Kettle in Springport.
4. The next meeting will be January 23, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Tauber, President
Beverly Glascock, Acting Secretary

Website Sponsored by: HCGS
© Henry County Indiana Cemetery Commission