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January 21 1916
We the undersigned, respectfully report to the court that we are the members of the Grand Jury for the January Term 1916 of the Henry Circuit Court. That on Monday, January 21, 1916, we visited the County Farm of said county and found that there are now forty-six inmates of that institution, consisting of thirty-five men and eleven woman. We found the general conditions of the institution good and commend the superintendent, Mr. Mills and his wife, upon their care of the inmates and recommend as efficient and capable managers of the institution calls urgently for immediate attention, principle among them follows;
We offer no criticism to any one in authority for these conditions and certainly do not believe that either the present or former superintendent is in the least responsible for them. The County Council and Board of County Commissioners are aware of the conditions above set out and are endeavoring to rectify them by the following recent appropriations: For heating and laundry for County Farm-----------------------------$5800.00 For water supply, electric power and lighting-------------------------$5800.00 Total appropriation -------------------------------------------------$11600.00 All these improvements are badly needed, but we feel and strongly recommend that instead of spending that amount of money on these old buildings, it would be better economy to build a new and modern building for both the men and women and equip it, in addition to the improvements planned, with a proper sanitary and ventilation system and remedy many grave defects now existing and which cannot be relieved in any other way other than a new and up to date building. We believe that Henry County is rich enough and prosperous enough to afford a proper and sanitary home for it's aged and infirm unfortunates and we feel it our duty both as a Grand Jurors and as citizens of Henry County, to call these matters to the attention of the court and to urge the above recommendations. Copied 2000 U. E. Bush |