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The Speeder Cycle Company began work on Monday on the 1891 models, and will turn out fine work for the coming year. The Alcazar will be so changed and improved that its best friends will hardly know it, and a new wheel, named the New Castle, will be put up for 1898; it will be a medium priced bicycle. Mr. Adams says that the season of '97' was very satisfactory, and that the outlook for next year is as good as he could wish. Following the retirement of Dan Monroe and J. W. Holloway from the New Castle Bridge Company, some other changes have been made. The company has employed J. E. Troyer of Kokomo, who will be a general utility man, civil engineer, draftsman and bookkeeper. The works still run a small night force of six to eight men, and report enough contracts now on file to give a steady run until April. The New Castle Marble Works may not be a great industry, but it is a growing one, adding a man now and then to its force. The proprietors do not boast much about their business, but in a quiet modest way continue to increase their trade and to gain and hold the confidence of the public/ Dick Davis is now working from 16 to 20 men in the bent wood works, and has contacts ahead for all he can manufacture this winter. The supply of hickory is equal to his demands, and he is getting timber of good quality. Conditions in his trade are very much better than during the two or three years past. The demand for handles of every class and grade, made by S. P. Jennings, is good, or as expressed at the office "pretty fine." "About a year ago." the bookkeeper said, "we were in receipt of orders saying, if McKinley is elected we will want handles; if not, we don't want any, but of late no conditional orders are given." Mr. Jennings now employs forty men. A new industry which is coming as quickly as buildings can be made ready, is that of the Goodrich Brothers, who come from Winchester, and have purchased the old foundry grounds on East Broad street, extending back to the Pan Handle tracks. They have already cleared away the old buildings and will erect a grain elevator, 36 x 66 feet, with all modern conveniences, and a hay shed, 50 x 78 feet in size, in which a stationary baler will be placed. They intend also to operate four balers in the country tributary to New Castle, thus making this town a permanent hay market and shipping point. The Pan Handle will run a track from a point near Sample Street to be erected by the Messrs. Goodrich. The New Castle Coil Hoop Company is another manufacturing industry, which is unable to fill its orders at present, although working from 25 to 30 men and cutting all of the good elm offered. Mr. Jennings buys considerable finished stock, in carload lots, from the factories north of us, shipping direct to fill his orders. Neither of the creameries is getting as much milk as needed to fill the demand for butter and cheese. With an increased demand and infrequent advancing prices, it may be awhile. The biggest thing in New Castle for three months of the year at least, is the New Castle Canning Factory, which is just now ending the season on pumpkin; and will next week begin making Sunlight hominy. By the way, the demand for this brand of hominy is steadily increasing, and the largest orders come from the lumber regions and mineral sections of Alabama and Mississippi. During the tomato season the factory runs a force of from 160 to 175, but on pumpkin and hominy only about 20. It is hoped that the hominy season will continue until about the middle of January, when the manufacture of canned goods for next season will begin. The Kuntz-Higi Cash Lumber Company is getting in shape rapidly. The first building, which is 24 x 96 feet in size is entirely filled, and several car loads of shingles and lath are stacked on the yard. The main building, 72 x 96 feet is framed but the rains during the early part of this week caused some delay in raising it. This building will have three floors, and a capacity of over 100 carloads of lumber. J. W. Maxim and Company started up Monday, probably for a steady run until next August. The dry season did not cut the crop of ash perceptibly, and Mr. Maxim is getting all the lumber that is needed, and of good quality. He now has 15 to 20 men cutting timber, and gives regular employment to 15 men in the mill. He states that the outlook for trade in this line is better than it has been in eighteen months. The high price of wheat, compared with a year ago, coupled with the fact that most of the grain in farmers hands is held for a further advance, is somewhat against the milling industry. Martin and Martin Company are shipping no carloads of flour east at present, but have a deal now on which may result in a steady run for the winter. In the mean time they want good grades of milling wheat. The artificial ice plant of Waldron and Company has had a remarkably good season, with even a better outlook for '98. Mr. Waldron says they manufactured about 1,000 tons the present season, one third of which was shipped, and many of these out-of- town parties are already contracting for next year. Enough contracts are now received and subject to acceptance by January 1st, taken with the town trade, to operate the plant day and night all next season. The keeping qualities of this ice are such that consumers find their ice bills much smaller than when using common ice, and of course they are all pleased. www.hcgs.net Families | Music | Military | Pioneer Photos | Public Records | Resources | Townships | Updates ![]() |