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The following is a transcript of the record of Lieutenant Henry Ray, Wagon Master of Company B. 90th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers Cavalry. Know ye that Henry Ray, Wagon Master of Captain William L. Lindsey, Company B. 90th Regiment of Indiana 5th Vols. Cavalry volunteers who was enrolled on the sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, to serve (3) three years, or during the war, is hereby "Discharged" from the service of the United States this fifteenth day of June 1865 at Pulaski, Tennessee by reason of General Order #83 C. S. War Department. No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist. Said Henry Ray was born in Franklin County, in the State of Pennsylvania, is forty years of age, 5 feet, 9 inches high, Dark Complexion, Blue eyes, Dark hair and occupation when enrolled was a farmer.
Oath of Identity Henry Rhea of the town of New Castle county of Henry in the State of Indiana, on this ninth day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, personally appeared before me the undersigned Clerk of the Court for the county and State above mentioned, Henry Rhea, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Henry Rhea who was a Wagon Master in the Company commanded by Captain William L. Lindsey in the Regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Butler, that he enlisted on the sixth day of August 1862 for the term of three years and was discharged at Pulaski, Tenn. on the 15th day of June,1865 by reason of expiration of term of service.
The following list of names are of those veterans' of the Civil War who had their discharge papers recorded at the Henry County recorder's office in the courthouse. These names were recorded in book #1 of Miscellaneous Records books.