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Obituaries for May 1869Deceased was the daughter of Jacob Hoover of Wayne county, Ind. Was born near Richmond, in said county, February 28, 1830, moved to Flat Rock in Henry county August 1, 1830, where she resided at the time of her death. She possessed in an eminent degree the elements of an amiable character. She was surrounded by a great many intimate and esteemed friends, to whom she had endeared herself by repeated acts of kindness. She made her home joyous by her pleasant and agreeable manner… always looked upon the bright and sunny side of life, and was not accustomed to dwell upon its shadows. She was cheerful and happy herself, and always contributed to make others feel so in her presence. She was a member of the Society of Friends, and lived a consistent, exemplary life, reflecting out in her relations with others, the glorious influences of Christianity. She was a kind and obliging neighbor, an amiable and devoted wife, and an affectionate and indulgent mother. She died in hope of a blissful immortality. She leaves a bereaved husband, four sons, four daughters, five brothers, five sisters and numerous relatives and friends to mourn. Her burial was in the Batson cemetery. The deceased was born in February of the year 1800, and when 9 years old he emigrated with his father to Wayne county, Ind. And settled southeast of Richmond, where he resided until after he was married. Then he moved to this county and settled near where the town of Mechanicsburg now stands, where he resided about 40 years until last November when he moved to Middletown. He was one of the pioneer settlers of this county, being one of a party who cut out the first road or pass way west of Blue River. He spent the best part of his life in clearing out a farm and erecting a comfortable building. He was known near and far as a man of strict moral deportment and sterling integrity, he was a friend to the poor, the fatherless and the widow. He lived a consistent member of the German Baptist or Dunkard church, about 30 years, dying in the triumphs of the Christian faith. He had three attacks of Milk sickness between the ages of 33 and 45, the poison of which seems never have been eradicated up to his death, and for several years he has been at times suffering with symptoms of the same in a chronic form and in connection with its bronchial difficulty terminated in consumption. He bore his suffering with Christian fortitude, although many months and most of that time his body was racked with such excruciating pain that he could not sleep but a few minutes in twenty-four hours, and often through his illness he would express himself as being ready, willing and even anxious to see the end come, that he might be permitted to go and meet his Lord. He leaves behind a devoted wife Margaret, several children and a large circle of friends and family to mourn his loss. His funeral was held at the German Baptist church with burial in the church cemetery. www.hcgs.net Families | Music | Military | Pioneer Photos | Public Records | Resources | Townships | Updates ![]() |