Jesse and Rachel (Hester) Bundy lived in Henry County from the 1820s until the early 1870s when they died.
Jesse Bundy was born August 5, 1803 in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, the ninth child of Benjamin and Sarah (Bell) Bundy. In the 1820s, he moved to Wayne County, Indiana, where he married Rachel Hester August 4, 1825. Rachel was born January 4, 1807 in Clinton County, Ohio, to Francis and Mary (Hodgson) Hester, natives of Guilford County, North Carolina.
Jesse purchased property in Dudley Township, Henry Co., Indiana, in September 1826, the same year a preparative meeting of the Hopewell Friends was set up.
According to the 1884 History of Henry County, Rachel Bundy was the first minister of the Hopewell Meeting. She was later a minister of the Dunreith Friends' Meeting which was organized in 1868.
Jesse and Rachel had at least twelve children. A daughter, Martha, married Mordecai M. Gilbert who also became a minister of the Hopewell Meeting. Two sons, Ira and Enos settled in Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, about 1880. Enos was my great-grandfather.
Jesse and Rachel are buried in the Hopewell Friends Cemetery in Dudley Township.
...Photos courtesy of Helen (Studebaker) McClure